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Akita are renowned as loyal dogs and are also intelligent. The loyalty of an Akita named Hachikō established the breed as truly loyal to their owners. The famous Akita Hachikō spent nine years waiting daily at the Shibuya railway station for his deceased master to return home. Hachiko's popularity brought back the Akita from the brink of extinction.

Because of their intelligence, Akita get bored very easily. As a result, they often become destructive and aggressive if not given anything to do. Akita can live happily in apartments as long as they are given plenty of exercise. They need to be socialized as puppies so they are friendly dogs and should have experienced owners. Akita often become excitable when seeing their owners, often wiggling around and making happy grunts and woo-woos.

Akita are very good with youngsters from their own family, and often quite playful, although they should be watched around other people's children as they could knock them over during play.

The Akita have a reputation for sometimes being aggressive towards smaller animals or other dogs, particularly those of the same sex. However they can live happily with other dogs and animals providing they are socialized well. They are excellent guard dogs and naturally protective of their home and family. The Akita has a reputation for being an excellent house dog. They make great family dogs with the right training and socialization.


The famous Hachiko

click above to read the history of the famous Akita known as Hachiko, according to Wikipedia



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